Knee Pain

Knee joints are complex structures, made up of bones, cartilage, ligaments and lubricating fluid, with muscles and tendons around the joint to help the knee move. When any one of these parts is diseased or injured, you have pain and often difficulty moving the joint.

Knee Pain Causes

Knee disorders may involve soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. They can have many causes, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Meniscus injuries
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis

Diagnosing Knee Pain

To find the cause of your knee pain, an orthopaedist begins with a comprehensive examination and a physical exam. Robinwood Orthopaedic Specialty Center also has many diagnostic tools available, including x-rays and MRIs.


Treatment depends on the cause of the knee pain and may include medications, physical therapy, orthotics (arch supports) and bracing, and surgery (from minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgery to total knee replacement).

If you’ve been injured and the pain is intense, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you can’t put any weight on your knee, if you see a deformity in the knee or leg, or if you have a fever in addition to pain, swelling and redness around the knee.

If the pain is not severe, especially if it occurred after a new or strenuous activity, try an over-the-counter pain medication; resting, elevating and applying ice to the knee will also help reduce the pain and swelling. If the pain persists, especially if you have difficulty moving the knee normally, you should see your family physician or an orthopaedist at Robinwood Orthopaedic for diagnosis and treatment.